Social Media

Let your users stay connected with you!

Theme Lambda makes it easy for you to place social network icons to your Moodle site.

Social Media via Theme Options

In the Theme Options you will see several textfields, one for each included social network. In those fields you should copy/paste the URL to your social network profile (i.e

After entering the links you can choose where to place the social media icons: at the bottom of the page (footer) or at the top (header). You can also set up the color for the icons to fit in your site.

Position 'header':


Position 'footer':


Social Media via HTML Block

Theme Lambda offers pre-defined shortcodes so that you can easily set up a HTML Block with your social media links.

<address>308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104</address>
<i class="fa fa-mobile fa-lg"></i> Phone: (007) 123-456<br>
<i class="fa fa-envelope-o"></i> E-mail: <a href=""></a>
<h6>Connect with us:</h6>
<div class="social_icons pull-right">
  <a class="social fa fa-facebook" target="_blank" href=""> </a>
<a class="social fa fa-pinterest" target="_blank" href=""> </a> <a class="social fa fa-twitter" target="_blank" href=""> </a> <a class="social fa fa-google-plus" target="_blank" href=""> </a>

The advantage of using a HTML Block is that you can place it to any block position in Moodle you want, even at the footer.